A private social network app that recognizes and rewards positivity and kindness at school.

Even the smallest change in behavior can ripple outward with consequences for much larger events down the road. While policies that protect people and keep schools safe, help, it starts with individual actions. In kindness there is great strength. The more we can create ripples, the bigger the amplitude. Together we can create a groundswell of powerfully positive change.

The Rabbit Effect: the Groundbreaking Science of Kindness
by Kelli Harding, MD, MPH


Great change often starts with one person's courageous actions at the local level. Download the app today, to make a difference in your organization.

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How does it work?

"A positive organizational climate is identified as a no-cost, abundant, renewable resource proven to increase productivity and overall health."

~Kelli Harding, MD, MPH, 2019.


So, how do we create a positive climate? Follow 4 simples steps.

  1. 01:

    Download the Kindness Matters EDU app for your organization.

  2. 02:

    Identify participants

    • Create a Kindness Club or Service Group. Include at-risk or low involvement students as well as student service leaders for a powerful combination.
    • Participants could include the entire organization or a small target group.
  3. 03:

    Set a time to meet.

    At this meeting participants should:

    • Download the app onto their personal devices.
    • Understand how to interact with the app.
    • Understand when acts of kindness are reported they will show up on the app Newsfeed and there will be a 3 question survey to complete.
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    Reward Structure

    • Likes: participants can "like" an act of kindness on the newsfeed and other participants will be notified when their act of kindness receives a "like". This allows participants to understand what they do matters to those around them.
    • Administration can use data collected by the app to create a reward structure for their students.

About Kindness Matters

The app allows you to report acts of kindness you see happening around you.

“Looking for others who promote kindness, fairness and compassion can inspire action.”
~ Kelli Harding MD, MPH

Acts of kindness will show up on the newsfeed allowing others to see all the acts of kindness happening in your organization every day.

“Just reading about these acts of kindness has inspired me to focus more on the good.  I have a bubbly feeling inside and an energy boost when I see the kindness in others.”
~10th grade Kindness Matters Participant

Participants can "like" an act of kindness on the newsfeed which notifies other participants when their act of kindness was noticed and appreciated.  This allows participants to understand what they do matters to those around them.

“Seeing acts of kindness pushed me to be kind as well.”
~12th grade Kindness Matters Participant

Any time others see and report you doing an act of kindness, points are accrued. Bronze, Silver and Gold awards are available. It is up to each organization how they will recognize those service leaders in their organization.

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About Leadership

Thank you for your interest in improving the climate/culture of your organization. As the administrator of your Kindness Matters Program, you will have access to the following screens:

The Kindness Matters app is one way to help those in your organization balance the stress that inevitably comes.

“Repeated decisions that support our emotional wellbeing, buffer the negative stress that inevitably shows up in the course of a day and a lifetime.”
~Kelli Harding MD, MPH

Administrators can manage user accounts and access to the app.

Administrators will be able to verify content BEFORE it gets posted to the newsfeed.

10 categories of student perception can be tested using this app. Short-term and long-term data will be produced using in-app surveys.

Pricing Packages

This app can be used to lift the entire organization.

Size of Organizations Price
0-50 people $750
50-150 people $1500
151-250 people $3000
251-500 people $4500
551-1000 people $6000
1001-2000 people $7500
2001 + $9000

Download the APP

Great change often starts with one person's courageous actions at the local level. Download the app today, to make a difference in your organization.

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Get in Touch

If you have any questions please contact us by filling out the form below
